
giovedì 5 febbraio 2015

Burma Study Center info

Qualche giorno fa abbiamo mandato 500 euro a Burma Study Center, Chiangmai.  Garrett ci ringrazia e qui scrive dettagliatamente l'attività del Burma Study center.  
Karuna Onlus è "la più grande associazione donatore", ma ricevano fondi anche dai privati, dagli eventi culturali che organizzano, dalle iscrizioni
dei birmani (e dalla famiglia americana di Garrett).  I costi dell'affitto e attività sono circa 1000 dollari (=800 euro) al mese.  Due giovani birmani, il manager e un maestro, hanno un piccolo salario.  Tutti gli altri, insegnanti occidentali e Garrett sono volontari.   

Burma Study center ha due filiali in Birmania: uno è in Shan State e l'altro è Peace Library di Ashin Sopaka (che noi aiutiamo grazie a Floriana). 
Nella "Presentazione Karuna Onlus" devo quindi aggiungere che Peace Library fa parte del Burma Study Center, benché gestito indipendentemente.  


We offered Thai language classes in the past, but not many of our students were interested. They are mainly interested in studying English. For students who want to study Thai, there is another school in Chiang Mai called Migrant Learning Center that has a good Thai language program.
We do have a small computer room and have been offering basic computing classes (Internet, email, Photoshop, Microsoft Word) since we received a donation of 6 notebook computers in 2013. Finally, we have a group of students that get together one day each week for a multimedia class. They film short videos in Shan language, learn how to edit them, and post them on You Tube. 

- What kind of activity is doing the Burma Study Center branch in Shan State?
The BSC branch in Shan State focuses on English classes and environmental protection projects. Also, there are special workshops to encourage students who would like to apply to study at the School for Shan State Nationalities Youth (SSSNY). These students participate in discussions about human rights, systems of government, and history of Burma.

- How many persons participate in the BSC activity?  Mainly young people?
Also some children and old people?  
I'm not sure if you mean BSC's educational programs (classes), or our public events (such as lectures, film screenings, forums, etc.). For our classes, it is primarily young adults and teenagers from Burma, but we also have a few students who are older adults and younger children. For our public events, the majority of our participants are adults from Western countries who are interested in learning more about Burma. 

- How much are the monthly costs (rent, office, payments to Burmese secretaries..)?
Our basic monthly operating costs are approximately 32,500 baht / $1,100 US. 
rent of the office = 12,000 baht
salary of Burmese manager = 10,000 baht
salary of Burmese head teacher = 8,500 baht
electricity, water, Internet utilities = 2,000 baht

So, 32,500 baht is the minimum that BSC requires each month to operate its normal programs. Other expenses include the printing of our newsletter (15,000 baht twice a year), purchase of new materials for the library, etc. These are only the costs for the Chiang Mai branch of BSC. The costs for the Shan State branch are only about 8,000 baht per month because rent and salary is much less expensive in Shan State, and the office space is much smaller. Also, we only have one paid staff in Shan State.

- Do you get donations also from some other association, or only from private

The majority of our funding comes from fundraising and donations of private persons. Karuna Onlus is still our largest association that has donated to BSC. We have applied for funding from other organizations, but it is very difficult to secure funding large organizations that are interested in Burma because they now prefer to focus on programs inside the country.

- Is the Peace Library officially a branch of Burma Study center?
Yes, it is a branch of Burma Study Center, part of our BSC network, but Ashin Sopaka prefers to use the name "Peace Library". Ashin Sopaka does manage the Peace Library independently, and has his own funding. 

- Do you have contacts with some Burmese/Shan Buddhist temples in Chiangmai province?
Yes, we have connections with two Shan temples in Chiang Mai: Wat Pa Pao and Wat Ku Tao. We have monks from both temples that come to BSC to study English, and our staff and students regularly join merit-making and other religious activities at the temples. 

Thank you again, and please let me know if there are any other questions. I am happy to continue our partnership!

All the best,


Garrett scrive sull'attività del Burma Study Center.  E' bello che hanno filiale anche a Hsipaw in Shan State (la città dove anticamente abitavano i principi dei shan). Burma Study Center ha due filiali, The Schools of Hope ha attività in quattro luoghi, Peace Library in Birmania sta allargando le sue attività anche in altri paesini della zona...  


Hello Ashin Mahapannya,

1. How many persons have the inscription to participate in the activities of BSC? 
I remember some year ago you mentioned about 500. 
Now we currently have 618 members. This does not include all people who have attended our public events and activities, only the ones who completed the application to be our members.

2. Where in Shan State is the BSC branch?  In Tachilek? 
No, the Shan State branch of BSC is in Hsipaw, northern Shan State. It is one of the largest towns in Shan State.

3. If some Italian would like to do some voluntary period at BSC, what can he/she do, 
what you need?  
I remember doctor Carola Buscemi organized a course about health questions. 
Claudio wanted to do something but did not meet you...   
Dr. Carola was very helpful because she had a special skill (health) and we could coordinate special health workshops for her to do with our students. If an Italian volunteer would like to do some volunteer work, they could help us with health, fundraising, writing for our website in English, or even teaching if they have good English skills. Claudio was going to help with computer skills, but then his plans changed. 

4.  Did Gambhira ever come to visit BSC? 
No, I never heard from Gambhira, and I don't have any news about him. He may have visited BSC, but he did not ask to speak with me.

I hope these answers have been helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Best wishes,

Some more questions: 
1. How many persons have the inscription to participate in the activities of BSC? 
I remember some year ago you mentioned about 500. 

2. Where in Shan State is the BSC branch?  In Tachilek? 

3. If some Italian would like to do some voluntary period at BSC, what can he/she do, 
what you need?  
I remember doctor Carola Buscemi organized a course about health questions. 
Claudio wanted to do something but did not meet you...   

4.  Did Gambhira ever come to visit BSC? 


Ashin M.