Karuna ha mandato una donazione di 2.000 euro al conto della scuola-orfanotrofio "The Schools of Hope" in Thailandia.
Qui sotto i ringraziamenti di Noom Hkurh (insegnante) e Matthieu Frison (volontario francese).
Questa donazione sarà usata soprattutto per ultimare i due serbatoi d'acqua (hanno avuto problemi con l'acqua) e per il nuovo dormitorio delle bambine.
Un altro progetto che finanzieremo sarà una scuola-fattoria dove i giovani imparano l'agricoltura biologica, la costruzione delle casette in terracotta e altre cose utili per imparare soprattutto alcune professioni. Al momento stanno studiando diverse possibilità per realizzare questo progetto e stanno raccogliendo fondi.
(messaggio di Noom Hkurh dalla Thailandia:)
Thanks a lot. We will let you know and confirm when we have received the donations.
Please thank Confesercenti Association for very kind and support Schools of Hope.
Your Sincerely,
Noom Hkurh.
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(messaggio di Matthieu Frison dalla Thailandia:)
Hello !
Great news ! I was just about to send an email to you about the water tank. The construction starts.
For this donation do you want it to be used for the farm project ?
For now we still don't have the land. We do a big meeting next week with the regular donors about it.
So we can wait and keep the money for later but maybe it will take long time, I don't know.
After the water tank, we will focus on the girl's house.
We want to improve the living conditions of the girls and we have seen temples with schools for boys and girls in Chiang Mai.
The community and the abbot agrees on having a girl's dormatorie inside the temple ( separated from the others building).
Maybe we'll use it just on a
temporary way if the farm is coming soon and if we decide to move the
girls into. But it will be usefull for new boys if we choose this way.
And this is a good way to start a first earth building.
Thanks a lot for your help
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